Wednesday 1 January 2014

Etiquette Oh My!

Okay this post has taken a very sharp turn, so sharp in fact that I needed to wipe clean my slate and start off afresh.

I was about to write about how I wanted to get back to crafts and origami and studying just to learn newer stuff. Tell you how I wanted to start reading etiquette books and learning what the right way and the wrong way were.

So get this, I got a book online and tried to start reading it. I will not mention the book because that would be rude, but it is an ebook available freely online and it is mainly targeted at women or Ladies as they put it.

To be honest reading the first 18 paragraphs drove me to put the book aside, not just that but I felt the urgent compulsion to close the browser tab that had the book. Now don't take me to be someone that is really classy or really messed up. I believe that each one has their own mannerisms and knows how to behave in a proper manner, being stiff or conforming to a certain standard is ok in school but it is something that should be a choice. That is as long as it does not harm another being.

Most of what I read in the book, however sensible it might be is really degrading. Well the way in which the author talks of it at least. For one, according to the author anyone that does not follow their specific standards seem to be ill-bred. There are obviously the "excessively ill-bred", "very ill-bred" some that have "the mark of ill-breading" or even "the height of ill-breading"and also those of "ill-nature". I honestly wonder why the author uses such a derogatory word as all it does is insult ones upbringing. Although most of the instances spoken of by the author had no bearing on me personally I think it highly insulting to even think of others in that manner.

Whilst being a little snobbish, most of the etiquette in those 18 paragraphs was reasonable. The reason for reading those books was mainly to be a little more poised. The only thing I realized was that poise has nothing to do with it. If you write a book that is meant for general NORMAL people it would be much nicer not to call some of the habits that they have or that their friends might have a result of ill-breading.

Yes I want to know which glass is used for what and what is the correct way to place cutlery, but I will not read some pretentious book that is written only to boost the ego of someone that thinks that everyone else is beneath them and can be spoken about in a rude way. The author does say you should never speak ill of someone in their absence or talk down to them. But in my book thinking of "oneself" as a superior being is all but the same thing!

That will be my ranting for today, honestly I do not plan on going on about this kind of stuff, it just hits me out of no where!