Sunday 17 March 2013

The Little things..

So during one of my conversations with Pittha I go on and on about the little things .. the simple things.. Stuff that makes me happy .. stuff that kept me sane through the toughest times.. and lord knows that I haven't really had a tough tough time.. its usually just stressful months and then getting back to being calm for a while.. but that does not really have much of a long term residence in my mind.. yes I do learn from any and all mistakes that are made.. and I wondered why it affected Pittha sooo much when the issue wasn't all that difficult.. I mean it was like almost lose a job.. which by the way I agree is a big thing.. but its one thing getting stressed about losing a job and quite another gettin stressed about maybe losing your job because of something that might or might not happen.. anyway as we were talking I mentioned the little things.. and Pittha just did not get what I was talking about..

To me the little things in life are the most important things.. your probably wondering why im rambling on.. so I'm going to get to the point.. If your a coffee lover and smell the awesome sent of a freshly brewed coffee when your in those all important few moments between being asleep and waking up.. it's almost like an involuntary muscular action when you realize your entire face lights up in a well rested smile.. and trust me it happens all the time when I get the aromatic whiffs from my dad S. Indian style filter coffee brewing!..

If you are one of the fortunate people that has a job and one of the unfortunate ones to have to go early on a Monday morning for the aforementioned job.. even in your grumpy and irate state you cant beat the glee when you see a nice big splash or bird poo drop on your annoyingly good/irritatingly bossy colleague's car.. or maybe you can.. if it falls on that unfortunate person.. however for me finding a fresh bloom or a drop of dew on a leaf has the same effect.

I find I smile when I see a puddle of water in the rainy season.. yes we have a rainy season in India.. however daft as it might seem our rains are very organised.. well sort of organised at the very least.. As kids you don't really find anything all that dirty do you.. and naughty as I was, a massive puddle of water means just one thing.. splash splash splash.. Loved every bit of rain.. specially the first rain.. when everything has that amazing freshness.. the fragrance of freshly wet mud has gotta be the one smell I will never forget.. although I haven't had that experience in a long time.. For some reason its almost nostalgic.. I have flashes of sitting at my window and looking out on the rain.. sticking my hand out just to get those first few drops directly on my hand.. running to the terrace or downstairs to get totally drenched in the rains.. ringing friends or screaming out to them to get out cause its a downpour and we can all have fun together..

When we were younger making tea for our parents or breakfast as a surprise .. sometimes doing up their room just before we went to sleep.. or planning to watch a movie as a family.. it does not have to be in the cinema.. and mostly it was not.. but just the fact that all of us got together made it all the more fun.. sometimes we would get all the mattresses in the house in front of the tv and all sleep in the same room after watching loadsa tv and have some snacky food.. or leave for a late night drive to an ice-cream parlor abt an hour away in the middle of the night .. just for the heck of it..

These are a few of the little things in my life that keep me going.. but there are loads more.. watching a flower bloom after weeks of watering it.. having my sibling get me my breakfast before I get up, just because we had an argument before I went to bed.. Driving.. just anywhere.. walking on the beach.. the smell of snow... the first sip of sparkling water(soda) after a massive weekly shop.. the lovely aroma or wine or liquors when the bottle is just opened.. the amazing fragrance of basmati(btw its pronounced as bass .. ma (as in manor).. tea where instead of having your tongue touch the roof of the mouth it touches the teeth.. like the spanish t.. and not Bass Matty) or pilau ( it is pronounced as pull... ow..  not pee lao..).. a lovely biryani.. or what ever your grans kitchen used to smell like when you were young.. its something your just cannot forget.. Things like the smell of a new book.. or a freshly printed newspaper.. when you think u can smell bacon frying in a neighbors house when your realize its coming from your own kitchen!!.. I can go on and on and on.. cause the little things just dont seem to end.. and these little things make all the difference in the long run..

So a post to all those little things in life.. that make life worth living..!
Please do leave your set of little things that make you happy in the comments..!

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